Unexpected Doctor Doom is unexpected! But always welcome, especially when written by Jonathan Hickman. I haven't been following New Avengers, but somebody alerted me to a Doom appearance in this issue, so I grabbed a copy.
Sad to reach the final issue of Jonathan Hickman's fabulous Fantastic Four run. There's a definite sense of the storyline being wrapped up before its time, but it's gracefully done, and I'm pretty glad Hickman got to do it himself instead of leaving it for someone else to handle.
CBR has a great interview with Jonathan Hickman about his Fantastic Four/FF run coming to an end. Seems like he's not necessarily planning to follow up on the situation he set up for Doom, or at least not in this book (I still hold out hope he'll be on Avengers and continue it there) but he's got some interesting stuff to say about his take on
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FF #4 is currently free to read on Marvel Digital. Features the Council of Doom meeting at the Baxter Building, plus Barry Kitson's rather magnificent rendering of a sulky Doom face.
Sad news: it's been confirmed that Jonathan Hickman's awesome run on Fantastic Four and FF will end in October with Fantastic Four #611 and FF #23. No news yet on who might be taking over; I just hope it's not somebody who's going to immediately overturn all the great stuff that he's done with Doom
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Marvel.com has FF #2: Doom Nation available free to read online. It's a very Doom heavy issue and one of my absolute favourites, and pretty much sets up the status quo for Doom's current relationships with the Future Foundation and his son Kristoff.